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Night time

Author Kochka
Illustrator Les MamouchkAs

Lily is a happy little girl. She is not afraid of anything, except the dark. She’s so scared to go to bed at night that she trembles at the thought of it, as though there was a wolf waiting for her there.

Happily, Lily’s dad comes to the rescue! One day he be­gins to saw some wood. What is he up to? He’s making some long long legs for Lily’s bed so that Lily can go to sleep as peacefully as a little bird in its nest.

Rights sold French
Series Fiction

Little bundle

A child comes into the world and wonders what to put in his bag for the long journey ahead of him. Should he take some cuddly toys, a rattle, his teddy bear, a bed, a cradle or a little chick’s nest?

What is he going to need?

Rights sold French, Korean
Series Fiction

1001 sheep

Author Kerso
Illustrator Kerso

A picture book without words, 1001 sheep is an excellent aid to the age-old technique of falling asleep at night by counting sheep!

Prehistoric sheep, knight sheep, aristocratic sheep. Sheep who garden, sheep who design clothes, popstars sheep. Not to mention sheep mermaids, sheep campers and cowboy sheep. With simple black line drawings and a yellow wash of watercolour, Kerso brings to life 1001 sheep, neither more nor less. And a sheep counter at the bottom of each page keeps up the tally!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , German
Series Fiction


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

We eat eggs at almost every meal, in the shell, as an omelette, and in cakes, pasta, dough… Fortunately, chickens are generous, they each lay 150 to 250 eggs a year.

So let’s help them produce good eggs by feeding them and taking care of them as we should. And know how to tell the difference between a free range egg and a battery egg…

How to preserve eat eggs and be chicken-friendly ?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Flour, water, a bit of salt, yeast: that’s how you make bread, child’s play. But where does flour come from? How do you grow wheat? Does the earth you plant it in matter? This book answers all those questions and provides the keys to understanding naturefriendly agriculture and consumption. How to eat bread and respect Earth ?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Polish
Series I know what I eat

The cherry tree

All year long, this tree host within its branches, some leaves  and flowers from numerous species.

Series In the shade of

The oak

The oak is widespread in our forests, we like to look at its leaves as they change colours in seasons. It provides shelter for animals…

Series In the shade of

The baobab

The animals from the savannah come in numbers to enjoy the coolness, of its leaves and its branches.

Series In the shade of

The orange tree

Let’s go discover the animals who live in a more gentle climate…

Series In the shade of

The palm tree

The ring-tailed lemur clings its trunk, the gecko explores a leaf with agility, chameleon camouflages itself...

And all share an afternoon nap !

Series In the shade of

The apple tree

The woodpecker is drumming, the goldfinch is watching the world upside down, the robin is angry against the thrush…

All the birds sing together!

Series In the shade of

The willow

The duck meets the cane, three butterflies are flying on the wind, the dragonfly falls asleep on a branch...

They all play hide-and-seek!

Series In the shade of

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