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Li'l ice floe

Brrr… How cold it can get at the highest and the lowest points of our planet. In the North pole, the polar bears are well protected with their fur. Birds, on the other hand, come nesting and giving birth at spring. In the South pole, the penguins gather up and spend the great freezing winter of the Antarctic together.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l machines

Illustrator Chiara Dattola

When would you like to go? Depending on your answer, there are different options! One can take the bus or the metro to go to school. The train is the best to sightsee the scenery. The plane for long distances, the rocket to visit the universe... or... your legs!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l Bees

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Chloé du Colombier

Bzzz Bzzz ... The hive is buzzing with excitement, the little eggs have just hatched! Now they need to be fed! But fed what? Honey and pollen of course! The well-fed larvae grow up safely in their little cells. They eventually become bees, spread their wings and get to work as either: worker bees, house bees, guard bees, or foragers... There's definitely no time to be bored

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l Greedy

All animals eat, but each has a different way of feasting! On the herbivore's menu: plants, fruits or vegetables. Moles and spiders prefer to nibble on insects. And then there are the carnivores: for them, a good meal begins and ends with meat. But the most gourmet of them all are the omnivores, who eat everything!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l monkeys

They're great at making faces, but that's not all! Monkeys are adapted to the jungle and the bush: with hand-like feet for climbing trees, a tail for jumping through branches, even a voice for communicating, etc.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l travellers

Throughout the summer, birds gorge themselves on fruits, seeds and insects in preparation for the winter months. There are those that somehow cope with the cold weather and others that take flight in search of warmer climes. They need energy and time to cross the seas and deserts!

Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l seasons

Illustrator Chiara Dattola

Throughout the year, the seasons succeed one another, the weather changes as do our activities and our clothes!
Cap or woolen hat, light T-shirt or thick pullover, sandals or wellington boots...
Each season comes with its own delights'

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l Sleepers

A trip to the heart of nature, readying to sleep for the winter. "It's getting dreadfully cold... There's nothing more to eat! What will the marmots, hedgehogs and squirrels do? ...They're going to sleep the whole winter! Shhh... They're hibernating!" » After the warmth and abundance of summer, the animals of the forests, prairies and mountains, with tummies full, start preparing their cosy nests for the coming winter. Each in its own way. A captivating approach to the phenomenon of hibernation for small children.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l volcanoes

Illustrator Chiara Dattola

Volcanos have fascinated mankind (young and old) since the dawn of time. Their eruptions are dreaded while their incandescent beauty is admired. What geological phenomena cause eruptions? How does lava reach the surface? Are all volcanos the same? A book that answers all these questions in simple terms, accessible to the youngest readers.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l farm

A whole little world lives together on the farm. Each has his place: the hens in the henhouse, the rabbit in the hutch, the cows and sheep in the meadow... They give us eggs, milk and other good things to enjoy. The animals may be the main protagonists in this book, but the culture and work of the farmer are the scenery.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l planets

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Chiara Dattola

The moon shines, the stars twinkle... The night isn't black. Our earth revolves around the sun and we're not alone: seven other planets revolve around our central star. Each at its own pace. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They're all different!
Some are hot, cold, solid, gaseous and even double. The solar system for the very young!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

Li'l stream

Illustrator Chiara Dattola

Drip, drip, drip... Where does rainwater come from? Clouds of course! But where does rainwater go? It runs away, or soaks into the ground, or forms puddles and ponds. Along the way it waters plants, and then keeps going... It flows into streams, that flow into rivers, that flow into the sea... And why doesn't it stop when it gets to the sea? Because some of it evaporates and turns back into clouds. And it starts all over again... The water cycle narrated simply and effectively.

Rights sold Basque, Chinese (simpl.)
Series Li'l creatures!

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