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Albert’s getting angry

Gentle, kind and sweet-natured, Albert adores his little sister Lili. Lili calls Albert Booby because Booby is so gentle and kind! But it’s a different story when his friend calls him Booby in the playground.

That’s when our hero Albert sees red. He gets into an enormous rage and is transformed into the monster Albinus! A picture book dominated by the red colour of anger.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , French, Korean, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (America)
Series Fiction

Oko and the bird

Author , Eugénie Varone

To escape the heat and the crowded streets, Oko runs into the forest and meet a crocodile! Too young to know that a crocodile’s tears are never to be trusted, Oko listens to the animal’s sad stories and decides to help him.The crocodile would surely have eaten him all up if a wily bird hadn’t come to the aid of the little boy.

Oko discovers a tropical forest that hums with dozens of little animals and fizzes with gorgeous colour….but most of all he discovers the most powerful weapon in the struggle against violence – intelligence!

Series Fiction

Election day in Sabana

Illustrator Bruno Robert

The day has come to vote for a new king of Sabana. There are four candidates: the confident lion, the diplomatic elephant, the friendly giraffe, the strong crocodile.

A candidate is elected…         

But the animals of Sabana soon realize that they might have done a big mistake.

Rights sold Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Korean
Series Fiction

Versail and Laly’s garden

Author , Céline Manillier
Illustrator , Céline Manillier

The postman delivers a letter to Versail, the gardener. It comes from his cousin Laly; her trees have grown too much. She does not have a ladder that is long enough to gather her favourite apples. Versail has to find a solution to harvest the apples aloft and prevent them from falling on the house.

Versail is simple and generous, as inventive as he is naïve, just like a kindly grandpa.

Series Fiction

Versail and the light fish

Author , Céline Manillier
Illustrator , Céline Manillier

The kingdom of Versail, the gardener, is a little castle buried in a huge, funny garden, where enormous vegetables are growing. Versail is a good handyman and he decides to build a system to irrigate his vegetable garden. To his great surprise he discovers a light fish swimming in his new pond…

In Versail and the light fish the children discover nature and the cycle of the moon along with the gardener.

Rights sold French
Series Fiction

The awakening

A little boy about 3 years old wakes up the first one... He want somebody else to join him, but rather than to disturb the sleepers, he attempts a solitary investigation of the sleepy house… A raid in the kitchen: first reward, cereals and a bottle of milk. In the lounge: a book to look at...

Rights sold Italian
Series Fiction

My Closest Cousin

Who is the closer cousin of the tortoise? The crocodile or the frog?

Believe it or not, it’s the crocodile.

With 9 flaps to lift, this book reveals to children (and their parents) the unexpected answers to a series of questions about various animals and plants.

A lift-the-flap book introducing the latest scien­tific discoveries about how species evolve.

Rights sold Korean
Series Fiction

Curious, Chatterbox and Coquette

Illustrator Bruno Robert

Three princesses, Curious, Chatterbox and Coquette, have driven their father to despair. The king would have much preferred to have a son who would succeed him to the throne. Despite this, the three princesses love their grumpy father deeply. One day, war breaks out. Each princess tries to offer a solution but their father does not listen. Captured by the enemy, the king is taken prisoner. This is the ideal opportunity for the three sisters to prove their feminine qualities.

Series Fiction

Elastic Heart

We come to life, and we grow. We live with the name our parents chose. We have their nose, their mouth, their eyes, but it’s in their arms that we really feel happy! It doesn’t matter if we are the first or the last born, because our parents have an elastic heart!

With our cousins, uncles and grandparents, we celebrate… Family, it’s really great!

A happy family's game at the end of the book.

Series Fiction

Life in pink / Life in grey

Illustrator Claire Gandini

Life is pink when we dip our toes in the sea for the first time.

But life is grey when we have to go to bed before it gets dark.

Life is pink when it is raining on a Sunday morning and we can stay in bed.

But life is grey when there we are, lying in bed, and we see a spider taking a stroll on the ceiling.

A dozen humorous examples of how life is sometimes pink and sometimes grey.

This book helps children to express both joy and anxiety.

Series Fiction

What does a Dad smell of ? / What does a Mum smell of ?

Illustrator Claire Gandini

My Dad smells of … grapefruit after-shave. Of toast and butter at breakfast. Of clean laundry... But sometimes he smells of the cat blanket, of the soggy mop, or the dustbin.

My Mum smells of... nappy cream for my baby brother’s bottom. Of flowers picked from the garden. Of holidays in the sun. But sometimes she smells of burnt pizza,of dirty laundry in a heap, or chlorine from the swimming pool...

And sometimes they don’t smell of anything at all.

They smell of vanilla, like all the family!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Fiction

Happy Snow!

Illustrator Chloé du Colombier

One evening, in the depths of winter, it started to snow. Archie the bear would have loved to watch it swirling all night, but he is tired of standing on two feet. He tosses and turns in bed. How deep will the snow be tomorrow? Up to the fourth branch of the tree? Perhaps even up to the roof?

What luck! How exciting is snow!

Series Fiction

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