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Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Mmmm…. Pastas. Spaghettis, cannelloni, pasta shells, there are of many kinds. And to prepare them: some durum wheat flour, some water… And that’s it! To make fresh pastas, one must add some eggs. One thing is for sure: it is the flour’s quality that matters most!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Korean, Polish
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Where does tap water come from? Whether it comes from the water tables, lakes or even a pure source, it needs to be checked and cleared of twigs, debris, bacteria and other inedible particules. Discover the crazy adventure of water!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Chinese (complex)
Series I know what I eat


Yellow like the sun, looking just like a smile, full of vitamins, I am the banana! But where does the banana come from? How does the plant grow? What makes banana the world’s most popular fruit?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Polish
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

We drink it, we bit it, Or we lick it on our fingers… Black, brown or white, its the celebrity of the pastry shop! And a feast for the little greedy ones! Where does the cacao come from ? How can one make cacao grow? And pick it up?  Are all chocolate as good as each other?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Polish, Russian
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Potatoes are the most commonly consumed food in France. They are prepared in many different ways: they come pureed, in soups, as crisps or chips...not surprising considering that there are more than 4500 types of potatoes in the world! Do you know why they grow underground? What is their nutritional value? The collection Je sais ce que je mange (I know what I'm eating) gives you the answers!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Pollen-gathering bees suck up the sugary nectar from flowers and fly to the hive... the recipients mix it with their saliva, then deposit is in the cells... Very gradually, the nectar turns into honey! From the organisation of the hive to the importance of bees for life, you'll discover everything about the production and collection of honey and other products resulting from the work of these pollen-gathering bees. You'll also learn to recognise the different varieties of honey and whether they are genuine or not!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Polish
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Milk Cows produce milk to feed their youngs. And we raise cows to bottle their milk. How do we milk our cows? What is the difference between the farm milk and the milk we buy in the supermarket? At the end, a 2 pages comic books gives information about nutrition and milk labels. Farming, milking, pasteurization, creaming, sterilization, bottling, distribution... You will learn everything about milk!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Korean
Series I know what I eat


Prehistoric man already ate apples and today the fruit is consumed over five continents. In France, you can enjoy 400 different varieties and if you travel the globe this number increases to nearly 4,000. Impressive! What's also impressive are the many tips for growing and preserving them... But watch out not all are recommendable!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Everyone knows rice, it's eaten all around the world... in salads, risotto, and even cakes! But this cereal is not easy to grow -- you have to sow it, let it germinate, and then picked over in flooded fields! It grows mainly in Asia, but also elsewhere... There are more than 2,000 varieties of rice in the world!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series I know what I eat


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Sugar Lump or powder sugar... White or brown sugar... Where does the sugar come from? We extract sugar from beetroots or sugar canes. The plants are grounded, the juice is heated... and through a juice extractor here comes a syrup and then sugar crystals...

At the end, a 2 pages comic books gives information about nutrition and sugar labels. Careful, there are hidden sugars even in salted food! How can we eat good sugar in good quantity?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Korean
Series I know what I eat

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