• Looking for amazement? Craving for knowledge? Grown ups or kids, the Ricochet books are for you !

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How to stay informed?

Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

In the age of the internet and globalization, we are saturated with information. How can we sort through it? How can we identify fake news? Can all information be taken at face value? As usual, the POCQQ collection provides us with the keys to better understand a topic and form our own opinions!

Series 5W2H

Who are hackers?

Author Samuel Verley
Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

The hackers fascinate us as much as they worry us. We talk more and more about them, but we do not understand them. Are they criminals or computer heroes? Pirates or whistleblowers? What do they want? Should we fear or support them?

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Vietnamese
Series 5W2H

Who are the Feminists ?

Author Julie Guiol
Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

We may all be human but women still have a long way to achieve equality or even the right to self-determination! What is the status of women throughout the world? How were feminist movements built over time? How can men sign up to feminism?

Rights sold English, Hindi, Vietnamese
Series 5W2H

Who are transhumanists?

With the emergence of new technologies and scientific advances, medicine might sound like science fiction. Bionics, genetic experiment, robot surgery… Will transhumanism enhance human? Will this progress impact everyone or only a dominant minority?

Rights sold English, Hindi, Vietnamese
Series 5W2H

Where is the climate going?

Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

Climate change. It is a hot topic and most of the time what we hear doesn’t make sense. Will there really be an increase in storms in the future? What is the 2 degrees Celsius limit we always hear about? Is the IPCC a cult? Where do greenhouse gases really come from? What should you respond when you hear: «But it’s not warming up, it’s actually getting colder»?

Rights sold Korean
Series 5W2H

By Night

The Earth revolves around the Sun. Day after day, the moon rises. Even in this small garden. When the night comes, life is not quiet at all! Owls, nightingales, foxes… Everyone is looking for food or playing or singing as they please. And beautiful flowers bloom at night.

Page after page, a beautiful world is revealed.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Italian
Series Amazing nature

Before me…

We are on board for a surprising  odyssey in time and space. From  the infinitely big scale until the  smallest possible, from the times before the Big Bang until the birth

of a baby today. This wonderful and poetic album is a journey along the evolution of life on Earth.

At every step, nothing is  created, nothing is lost,  all things change.

Rights sold Basque, Chinese (simpl.) , Italian, Korean, Portuguese
Series Amazing nature

Under my feet…

Under our feet a vast world of animals, some more visible some less, some more known some less, turns the ground into a rich compost that will feed plants when the time comes. 

The generous format of this album with highly accurate  illustrations is teeming with details of  the annual cycle  of these little animals!

Rights sold Basque, Chinese (simpl.) , Italian, Korean, Turkish
Series Amazing nature


Illustrator Capucine Mazille

We track them in flight, we admire their plumage, we are surprised by their intelligence… Birds are delightful and amazing creatures!

21 stories, moving and fierceful… to tell all of the diversity of behaviours in  the animal’s realm.

Series Natural stories


The weaver’s fitness, the monkey’s  gregariousness, the boa’s digestion,  the white bear’s fur, the penguin’s walk, the manta ray’s flight…

21 stories, moving and fierceful… to tell all of the diversity of behaviours in  the animal’s realm.

Series Natural stories

The body speaks a bit, a lot…

Illustrator Sébastien Chebret

Our body has a language of its own. Facial expression and body movement are signals related to our mood: red face for anger, open arms to hug someone..

12 daily situations to understand our body language.

Series Key topics

Words matter, a bit, a lot…

Illustrator Sébastien Chebret

Hello, Welcome, Please, Goodbye, Thank you, Have a good day, Safe journey, Excuse me, No problem, Good luck, Well done!... 12 little phrases that can change your life if put to good use!

Using polite language can facilitate dialogue with friends and help communication on  every occasion.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Spanish (Spain), Spanish (America)
Series Key topics

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