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The Bee's Kingdom

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Émilie Vanvolsem

A complete immersion in the world of bees (20,000 species counted around the world!): organization, individual roles, cooperation... it's all there! 

From spring to late summer, you can hear them buzzing from flower to flower. But before being promoted to forager, a bee has many other jobs in her life. There's a lot to do in the hive or swarm! Cleaning, caring for larvae, building cells, ventilating, protecting...

Rights sold French
Series Hello animals!

L'il stick bug

Author Maud Michel
Illustrator Chloé du Colombier

What's that funny little twig moving in slow motion? It's a stick bug! King of camouflage! It knows how to blend into the background! It's also a patient animal that knows how to stay still in the face of predators. And if it's unlucky enough to get hurt, its legs can grow back! It's clear that the stick bug has many secrets to reveal in this album!

Rights sold French
Series Li'l creatures!

Bye Bye old skin!


Many animals change their skin throughout their lives. Snakes feel cramped between their scales, so they swap them for a new skin! Crustaceans, insects and spiders do the same, while other animals take advantage of the changing seasons to change their fur or feathers... This is called moulting, and everyone has their own tricks and little secrets!

Rights sold French
Series Hello animals!

Who are the LGBT+?

Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

LGBT+. What's behind these letters? Plural identities, different love orientations, people who just want to be recognized for who they are. In a society where the heterosexual couple is still considered the norm, and where the notion of gender is summed up as male/female, how can we find our place when we feel different? What battles have been fought, and are still being fought, to gain recognition?

Rights sold French
Series 5W2H

The Nile, the pharaoh's river


With its mythology, pyramids ans pharaohs, Egypt has fascinated young and old alike for centuries! But did you know that the Nile is at the heart of Egyptian history and society? It is a source of wealth, its foolds still ponctuate human life today, and gods ans pharaohns paid hommage to it... sailing on the Nile also means discovering its fascinating flore and fauna, and understanding the geopolitical, economic and environmental issues surrounding water management. This magnificently illustrates book provides a comprehensive and contemporary overview of the subject. 

Rights sold French
Series You are here

The Murmur of the Forest


Alice loves collecting things. Her collection of seeds is her favorite. Thanks to them she discovers the magic of plants. One night, she hears the forest whisper its secret. To make sure that the forest is heard by as many people as possible, Alice and her friends embark on a project that will transform her school and her town/ they create an urban forest. You are never too small to change the world!

Rights sold French
Series Fiction

Lena & Mega


Lena is a little girl who loves to draw. But one day, a small detail makes her lose confidence in herself and her creativity. The following night, she ventures on an extraordinary journey with Mega. Together, they visit galaxies and discover the unusual and fascinating world of art. 

Rights sold English, French
Series Fiction

Friendship, it matters a little, a lot, a great deal...

Illustrator Sébastien Chebret

What does it mean to be "friends"? You can be friends since kindergarten. Or you can meet in the park or on the train and become friends for life. Sometimes we share all of our secrets, bicker and then make up... There are plenty of ways to be friends, the important thing is to feel good together!

Rights sold French
Series Key topics

Li'l Mushrooms

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Chloé du Colombier

Mushrooms, or fungi, are surprising! With their many shapes and colors hats, they’re very appetizing. But beware, some of them are poisonous! To learn all about mushrooms, you need to look at what’s happening underground...

Rights sold French
Series Li'l creatures!

The Baikal, lake of the extremes


Lake Baikal combines all superlatives: the oldest, the deepest and the biggest lake in the world! An object of studies for scientists, a sacred object for the people who live on its shores… it conceals many treasures! So, wrap up aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway or troika and set off to discover the secrets of Lake Baikal. 

Rights sold French
Series You are here

Li'l Ocean


Beneath the surface, thanks to the sunlight, fish, sea urchins, shellfish and sponges spread out around the algae or hide in the seagrass beds. The great depths are home to fish with big eyes that help them find their way in the dark. In the deep blue, everyone has its own strategy to eat, defend or reproduce! 

Rights sold French
Series Li'l creatures!

Fantastic Ants

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Émilie Vanvolsem

Ants are no doubt the best regarding adaptation and surviving. They conquered all continents. They survived at meteorites that signed the end of the dinosaur era. They can carry 50 times their own weight. What is their secret? How do they manage and coordinate themselves? The latest title (the 21st!) of our well-known series “Hello animals!”, which are sold in over 5 languages.

Rights sold French
Series Hello animals!

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