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What does fashion say?

Author Anne Botella
Illustrator Élodie Perrotin

We often hear that fashion is temporary, shallow, polluting... But we can hardly dispense with fashion. What does fashion tell about our personality? About our society? What is fast fashion? Is sustanaible fashion the only solution?

Series 5W2H

The life of an owl

Whoo-hoo-hoo-oo-o... What is that mysterious animal, which we only hear its hooting only at night? Of course it is the owl! With its big round eyes, its tiny little beak, and its head that can make a full turn, the owl is a fearsome predator. The owl is also very faithful and kind-hearted for its family!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series The life of…

Like cats and dogs

We are familiar to the cats and the dogs of our everyday life. Both of them are pets, but their skills are very different. But what they have in common is that they need the same amount of care and love.

Rights sold Romanian, Turkish
Series Hello animals!

The book of magical animals

Author Fleur Daugey
Illustrator Chiara Dattola

Many myths grant magic powers to animals. For the Maya, the hummingbird is the messenger of the thoughts. For the Bobos, the chameleon is the creator of the world. By combining of these fascinating stories with scientific studies on animals, we can see how  human beliefs are not so far removed from reality.

Series Fiction

What does the wolf want?

Author Lenia Major
Illustrator Fabien Öckto Lambert

“Well Little Red Riding Hood, let me tell you a st…”

“Help, Grandmother! The wolf wants me to be stun!”

Once the Little Red Riding Hood is hidden, the Wolf has to find another victim. But he keeps on unsuccessfully to approach the other animals of the forest. But what if we go beyond appearances?

Series Fiction

Measures stretch out a bit, a lot…

Illustrator Sébastien Chebret

A centimeter. That is the size of the bee landed near my hand. A meter. That is the length of my teacher’s ruler. A kilometer. That is the distance that we walk in fifteen minutes. What about 1000 kilometers? And a micron? And a lightyear?

12 units of measurement to seize the world.

Rights sold Turkish
Series Key topics

My little world

All around you, in the garden, live a multitude of living beings, each one very different. All around you, there is another fascinating world you cannot see: the world of bacteria! There are billions of them, and they were the first inhabitants on Earth. On your skin, in your mouth, in your stomach… they play an essential role in the well-functioning of the body and they help keeping you healthy.

Rights sold Basque, Chinese (simpl.)
Series Amazing nature

What about vegans?

Much noise is made around vegans, whether we embrace their philosophy or whether we wory them. The media seem to report anything and everything on the subject. But who are these vegans and what is the difference between veganism and anti-speciesism? What do vegans do and what do they really want?

Rights sold Korean
Series 5W2H

The life of a macaque

A macaque is agile and full of life. Noisy and garish, it loves to fight, to squabble and at once reconcile and have fun with it congeners, upon the high branches of the trees. The macaque organizes it community life under the orders of a chief. Now it’s time for the children to be deloused!

A gentle, charming picture book to explore the daily life of the friendly macaque.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series The life of…


Illustrator Nicolas Gouny

Crispy, cooked, chicken make our taste buds feel marvelous. Although, are some chicken better than others? A good free ranged chicken, which could run all its life freely is much more firm and tastier! What a happy chap it was!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Korean
Series I know what I eat

1,2,3 Let's move…

All of us can stand still and stand straight. We are able to run, walk, nod and wink… All of it thanks to our skeleton, some muscles and a brain. The brain gives the orders, the muscles make the bones move. The bones together composes the skeleton.


A lovely picture book to explain and understand the machinery of our wonderful “human body”!

Rights sold Basque, Turkish
Series I know my body

At the water!

A little drop of water escapes from a cloud… it’s raining! From the sky to the seas and through the forests, from the liquid form to gas state, the water goes round and round!

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Hello science!

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