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Noises of the town

The city is full of sounds: car horns, children’s laughter, jackhammers... One night, Gaston is fed up: he can’t sleep with all this racket! He flees to the top of a tree, on the hill overlooking the city. And that’s where he hears it: the melody... the beautiful, sweet music... This book resonates with our urban lives, with a hint of poetry that captures our imagination.

Rights sold Korean
Series Fiction

Kim Ono

Takamori Saigo, Kim Ono’s favourite toy, is missing! But Grandfather has an idea... maybe the little samurai has set off to climb Mount Fuji. Without a moment of hesitation, our hero leaves to find him. Through Kim Ono’s adventure, we travel around Japan, discovering its countryside, customs, and emblematic characters.

Series Fiction

Small breakfast Feast

To start the day on the right foot, you need your strength! So nothing is more important than a good breakfast! A book about (re)discover all the benefits of a healthy morning meal!

Series Fiction

The biggest secret in the world

« Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a Queen who held in his hands a secret that no one knew. One day, Bao-the-Terrible landed with his warriors. « I’m the strongest man in the world! » he proclaimed. Calmly the Queen replied: « The ocean is stronger than you. It carries boats and devours cliffs. You can’t do that... » So Bao goes to battle the elements...

A fairy tale about the place of man at the heart of nature.

Rights sold Portuguese
Series Fiction

Where is my house?

Little chick Valentine can’t remember where home is. He asks his neighbours one at a time, wailing at the top of his voice: « Where’s my home? » Is it this little doghouse?

Is it the smelly straw in the stable? Is it the nest in the tree in the garden? ...

A goose game at the end of the book. A lovely story giving the opportunity to discover animal call & habitat.

Rights sold Korean
Series Fiction

Twice upon a time...

Illustrator Bruno Robert

Once there was a duck. Once there was an ostrich.

Born at the opposite ends of the earth but drawn to each other by curiosity, they could not but come closer… to find themselves, fearing, talking, comparing, and chatting about their differences.

A beautiful flap book !

Series Fiction

Go Socrates!

Illustrator Bruno Robert

Socrates, the little kangaroo, was born six months ago.

But safe and warm in his mother’s pouch, he refuses to go outside. Neither his father, a long jump champion, nor his mother, a somersault champion, can convince him to come out. Hidden away in his mother’s pouch, he grows bigger and fatter.

Until one day, when some cruel hunters try to capture them and Socrates discovers that he has no choice.

Series Fiction

The swimming pool

Author Nadia Roman
Illustrator Amélie Falière

The swimming pool is closed. Our heroine has to persuade her father to wait for it to open. To do that she reminds him of all the good times they have had together and all the games they have played.

Swimming, spashing, diving!

Rights sold Korean
Series Fiction

Mum’s cuddly toy

Illustrator Marjorie Béal

A little girl sees her mom constantly with the same toy that looks like a cuddly toy. She doesn't understand "why can mommy cuddle her plush, and not me?" 

"Why can she carry it everywhere, and not me?"

Mischievous as she is, she sets out to hide it, so her mum learns to live without it.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.)
Series Fiction

The kind little lou

Illustrator Rémi Saillard

Mom says that I’m a little clown. My name is Lou. I’m five. And I’m bored all the time.”

Lou gets really lonely sometimes. To stave off boredom, she visits her friends. But, what a shame! Everyone is avoiding her!!! Why? They think she’s a wolf or what? With no time to spare, Lou takes her backpack and goes to explore the woods!

But careful, who knows what she might find there?...

Series Fiction

A monstrous friendship

A gardening war is declared! Despite this, both monsters find the path of true friendship in the end.

A gentle AND frightening fairy tale.

Rights sold Chinese (simpl.) , Italian, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (America), Turkish
Series Fiction

Bob? Bob the zebra?...

In the jungle Bob is trying to find out who he really is. Eventually, he finds his place among the animals through an act of great bravery. The elephant becomes the jungle fireman.

Rights sold Arabic, Chinese (simpl.) , French, Korean, Turkish
Series Fiction

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